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Updated: Aug 14

During the Aug. 6 primary election, Republican voter turnout was extremely low, with fewer than 30 percent of Republicans showing up and participating in the process in most precincts.

This can be partly attributed to lack of faith in the integrity of elections, as after the 2020 presidential election marred with fraud nothing has been done by elected Republicans to improve the process. The only enduring result from 2020 has been a constant barrage of lawsuits, prosecutions and harassment against the individuals who fought to stop the steal in its immediate aftermath.

But another factor that undermines faith in the system and causes people not to participate is the big money stranglehold over the process. This was a major factor in races across the state during the primary elections.

Bad Republicans who sold out their constituents were rewarded by this money power while Good Republicans who stood strong to conservative principles were punished.

Millions of dollars that could have gone toward defeating Democrats in November were instead squandered on defeating conservatives in primary elections in August.

Considering who the cash kingpins are behind the Republican establishment, this news should be unsurprising.
The Grand New Party PAC reported last year that the fundraising directors appointed by the House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC), the PAC that tasks itself with retaining a Republican majority in the Michigan State House, are former Governor Rick Snyder and oligarch Bill Parfet during the 2024 election cycle.

Snyder rallied Michigan conservatives to vote Joe Biden for President in 2020, and Parfet was the founder of "Republicans for Whitmer" in 2022.

The apologists assured conservatives alarmed by the appointment of Snyder and Parfet as chief fundraisers for the HRCC that they were just trying to help Republicans gain back power in Michigan to stop Democrats, and it didn't matter who was raising the money as long as we had to win in November.

The apologists, of course, were dead wrong. The Republican establishment cares more about keeping conservatives from gaining power and protecting the apple cart that has made them rich for generations than they do about bringing Democrats to heel.

Voters were deluged with hundreds of mail pieces during the primary election imploring them to hate the conservative candidate in a particular race and to love their establishment-backed competitor.

The Grand New Party has gathered examples of some of these thousands upon thousands of mail pieces that were sent throughout the state by the establishment's various loosely-affiliated PACs, campaigns and nonprofits.

Consumers Energy's dark money organization, Citizens for Energizing Michigan's Economy, and the shadowy anti-conservative "Keep Michigan First" front group tag-teamed District 35 on behalf of their puppet Jen Wortz. They ran television ads, sent mailers, and released text blasts in favor of Wortz and against GNP-endorsed Hillsdale Mayor Adam Stockford, who was the only Mayor in the state of Michigan who refused to enact COVID lockdowns in his community. The money power exaggerated decades-old dismissed criminal charges to deceptively poison his reputation in the community, and sent out an exorbitant amount of glossy mailers to voters touting a vague "plan" to redeem Michigan:
GNP-endorsed candidate Jon Rocha challenged budget traitor Gina Johnsen in the 78th State House District. Johnsen voted in favor of Whitmer's far-left budget that sent taxpayer dollars to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Research, paid a $218,000 salary for a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator (MDOT), funded a $2.9 million affirmative action giveaway to a Minority Farmers’ Fund, authorized Democrats to implement COVID vaccine passports, spent $80 million for climate change mandates leading to a Green New Deal, gave $10 million worth of grants for minority only Small-Business Owners, granted $2 million to an Immigrant & Refugee Center, hastening the illegal alien invasion, and gave $5.1 million for the Michigan Capitol Commission to institute a weapons-ban.

For selling out her constituents, Johnsen was rewarded with over a dozen mailers, TV ads, and text messages sent out from shadow groups like the "Michigan Freedom Network" and "Building a Better Economy" to keep Gina in office to obey orders and serve the Lansing elite while paying lip service to biblical values:
GNP-endorsed Reps. Matt Maddock and Josh Schriver faced well-funded primary challenges from establishment pawns Kevin Ziegler and Randy LeVasseur in Districts 51 and 66, respectively. Even though the voters were deluged with newspaper ads and mailers, they were not fooled, and both Schriver and Maddock, with their 95+ percent conservative voting records, easily defeated Ziegler and LeVasseur despite the special interest dollars dumped into the race meant to unseat these strong conservatives:
Former Adams Township clerk Stephanie Scott, facing criminal charges for investigating voter fraud in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, lost in a primary challenge to her opponent Abe Dane, who has publicly denied the existence of election fraud. Dane received unprecedented levels of outside support for a local clerk race.

Dane received full-page mailers on his behalf delivered to voters in Hillsdale County, thanks to the support of Super PACs like Resolute Republic, which was founded for the purposes of keeping out election integrity activists from obtaining or retaining elected office:
GNP-endorsed State Rep candidate Jason Woolford in the 50th House District was attacked by the "Keep Michigan First" front group as well, sending out mailers against Woolford with deceptive and misleading allegations in an attempt to destroy his reputation.

Moderate incumbent, Rep. Bob Bezotte was set to retire amidst news of a messy public divorce before the establishment talked him into running for his position again at the last minute. Woolford, who had previously been endorsed for the position by Bezotte before he flip-flopped on retiring, had to be destroyed for Bezotte to remain in office.

In this case, the establishment agenda was not successful, and Woolford won a tightly-contested 4 way race in the primary and will be heading to the general election where he has a great chance of winning his House race:
The anti-conservative "Keep Michigan First" shadow group was at it again in the 103rd District, targeting Rep. Neil Friske. Friske was arrested but not charged after an altercation outside of his Lansing apartment earlier this summer. "Keep Michigan First" seized on the controversy to release hit-piece mailers against Friske, and he was ultimately defeated by challenger Parker Fairbairn.
The materials compiled above are only a fraction of the effort to ruthlessly cleanse the Michigan Republican Party of its most conservative candidates for office in this primary season.

The Republican establishment, or the RINOs as they are often called, will claim that all of these groups working in unison to crush conservatives is mere happenstance. There was no conspiracy or concerted agenda to eliminate conservatives in the primary elections, it's all just a coincidence, and we should rally the troops around all Republicans in November - no matter how badly they have betrayed us in the past.

They want to insult your intelligence and get you to be compliant to their agenda of control. All of these organizations - their PACs, nonprofits and corrupt campaigns - work in unison to preserve the corrupt status quo in Lansing. They partner with corporate special interests in fields such as energy, healthcare, real estate, agriculture, finance, automotive, beer & wine, pharmaceuticals and construction to make sure the budget continues to increase, individual liberty diminishes, and government is always growing to protect the monopolistic power they have amassed within their various industries.

The RINO-Industrial Complex is why the Republican Party is hated by conservatives. It is why the Republican Party has no credibility among its own base, and why most Republicans don't bother showing up to vote. The RINOs throw around billions to make sure elected Republicans are weak and amount to little more than controlled opposition within a rigged system. Want to know if your elected official serves this evil agenda? Ask them about where they stand on the HRCC. Ask them who their major donors are. This is who they are beholden to, regardless of whatever campaign rhetoric they are told to recite by lobbyists.

At the Grand New Party PAC, we do NOT believe conservatives should develop Stockholm Syndrome and submit to their oppressors. We support only the best of what the Republican Party has to offer and hold the betrayers accountable for violating the Constitution. We are empowering activists to not only intelligently defend conservatism and help get Trump elected in November, but also to push the America First cause forward for generations to come. We will be holding trainings and teaching courses, such as "How to Smoke Out a RINO," free of charge.

Do not be demoralized. We can FIGHT our way out of these hard times, but only if we are smart and band together around sound strategies. The RINOs have a lot of resources at their disposal, so we must be judicious in how we proceed and not repeat mistakes we have made in the past. We must learn to work like a well-oiled machine that can rally our communities so all the glossy mailers in the world don't matter come election day. This is our vision. Join the Precinct Action Caucus and help us achieve it.

Please sign up at our activist portal to JOIN OUR PRECINCT ACTION CAUCUS AND get connected with other activists as we mount an opposition to globalism and collectivism in the democrat and republican parties.

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